FAQ | RILU e-Bike



RILU e-Bikes are the best option for well designed, well priced, high quality and durable electric bikes available almost anywhere in Australia. Test ride a rilu-e-bike at your nearest dealer today or request the model of your choice through your nearest bike shop.

  • What is an Electric Bicycle? What is an e-Bike? What is a Pedelec?

    The electric bicycle, often referred to as an e -Bike is a bicycle equipped with an electric motor to drive, or to assist in riding the bicycle. E -Bikes types are similar to ordinary bicycle styles, such as city bikes, touring bikes, mountain bikes, folding bikes, etc. with male , female and unisex frames.

    Pedelec (Pedal Electric Cycle) is a recent name / term from Europe used for e -Bikes conforming to certain European standards. The electric motor in Pedelecs only assists the rider when the normal bicycle pedals are operated. As soon as the rider stops pedaling, the motor stops. Pedelecs have a sophisticated electronic management system, integrating bicycle speed, gears, battery and motor to enable the selection of different motor assistance levels and the use of different gears by the rider. Pedelecs are speed restricted and in most normal Pedelecs the motor assistance stops at 25 km/h. All RILU e -Bikes are Pedelecs! (see below)

  • How fast are RILU e-Bikes?

    All RILU e-Bikes are Pedelec types of electric bicycles (see above). They have 250W geared motors, conform to the European standard EN 15194:2009 (now also adopted by Australia) and are restricted to a speed of 25 km/h. At 25 km/h the motor will cease assisting the rider. However, depending on the strength and fitness of the rider and the riding environment, using the gears and / or going down hill, just like any other bicycle RILU e-Bikes can be ridden much faster than 25 km/h!

  • How far can I go on a single battery charge?

    The distance the rider can travel on a RILU e-Bike on a single battery charge depends on the following factors:

    • The weight of the rider: the lighter the rider, the further the bike will go
    • The riding conditions: in hilly or mountainous terrain the battery will last for a shorter distance
    • The level of motor assistance used: the harder the rider pedals, the further one charge will last
    • Wind and road conditions: tail winds and smooth roads will help the bike go further
    • The minimum distance one can expect from a fully charged battery and using maximum motor assistance is 20 km; going right up to 100 km with plenty of rider participation and under the more ideal riding conditions outlined above.
  • How long does it take to charge the battery? How long does the battery last?

    RILU e-Bikes use modern Li-Ion batteries (similar to notebook PC’s , Mobile Phones, etc.) with high quality elements. After the initial charge of 5-6 hours, it takes only 3-4 hours to re-charge an empty battery, less if it just needs topping up. The batteries and the chargers should only be used in a clean, dry and well ventilated environment, above freezing and below 40 Deg.C. Both, the battery and the charger will heat up during the charging process and must not be covered with anything that keeps them hot.

    RILU e-Bikes covers its Li-Ion batteries with a 2-year warranty. However, if the batteries are regularly re-charged, preferably after they are almost completely discharged and not left discharged for any lengthy period of time (i.e. for weeks), they keep their capacity and performance much longer. The batteries can last for more than 3 years of regular, daily use when fully charged for most of the time.

  • Are RILU e-Bikes safe to operate? Are RILU e-Bikes safe to ride?

    All electrical systems on RILU e-Bikes are low voltage with safety cut outs and fuses making the bikes very safe to operate under all conditions. Should any malfunction occur, do not attempt to open up the system or its components. Take the bike back to the supplier for expert service and repair.

    RILU e-Bikes are much safer to ride than normal bicycles for the following reasons:

      • They are much easier to ride in hilly areas. When there is a choice, most bike riders will take the flatter road option, making the hilly roads less travelled. Your RILU e-Bike makes molehills out of mountains letting you enjoy the less traveled, hilly roads in comfort and with ease.
      • It is sometimes safer to leave the narrow bike lane and ride on the road with the general traffic. The RILU e-Bike will allow you to accelerate and keep up with the general traffic, not impeding the cars following behind.
      • The combination of high quality brakes and a responsive motor make it easier to drive in a defensive mode and always stop at red lights and pedestrian crossings. The RILU e-Bike allows the rider to accelerate quickly when the situation changes.

    Approved bicycle helmets are compulsory for all e-bike riders to wear on public roads and bike paths!

    For additional tips on safe riding also look at :

  • Do I need a License and compulsory Insurance to ride my RILU e-Bike on public roads?

    The simple answer is “No”. All RILU e-Bikes are certified “Pedelecs” and conform to the new Australian regulation and EU standard EN 15194:2009. They can be ridden on all public roads and bicycle paths just like any regular, non-electric bicycle. The USA standards are different and define e-Bikes with up to 750W motors with ,or without pedal assistance as bicycles. Most of the e-Bikes from USA can only be ridden off public roads in Australia, or need to be registered as motorbikes and require the rider to be licensed accordingly. Similarly, if the motor has an output of over 200W and the e-Bike has a throttle (there is no need to move the pedals for motor assistance) it has to be registered as a motorcycle to be legal on public roads in Australia. Many such bikes and scooters are now offered over the internet , often with false claims about license requirements and buyers should beware!

    No compulsory insurance is required to ride RILU e-Bikes in Australia. However, for peace of mind, the rider may insure the bike against theft and accidental damage with any of a number of insurance companies which cover bicycles and motorbikes in Australia. In addition, the rider can take out “Bike Assist” cover with the RACV, or similar organizations in other states to get emergency repair, etc. when braking down along the road.

  • Are RILU e-Bikes water proof? Can I ride them in the rain?

    All electrical connections on RILU e-Bikes are sealed well enough for the bikes to be safely ridden in light rain.

    However, it is not recommended to ride them through very heavy downpours, or through flooded streets when the crank and / or the motor can get splashed or even covered with water. This may short-out some electrical connections and seriously damage the electrical system. It is best to take shelter until the rain eases and the roads are no longer covered with water.

  • How do I clean and service my RILU e-Bike?

    Depending on your use and to ensure reliable and safe operation, your RILU e-Bike should be serviced, either by the original supplier, another, approved dealer or, at least by a professional bike shop every 3-6 months. The service usually includes a thorough clean, lubrication of the chain and other key parts, checking of lights and tires, adjustments to gears and brakes, replacement of worn parts, etc.. There is no need to service the electrical system. However, if any components malfunction, correct replacements need to be sourced from the original supplier or from other, authorized dealers for RILU e-Bikes.

    If you wish, or need to clean the bike yourself we recommend the following:

    • Never use high pressure water or steam. They damage the electrical system as well as the chain, gears, bearings, etc.
    • Use a bucket / bowl with warm water, some mild, bike detergent, one or two soft brushes of suitable size, a sponge and some soft towels instead. Turn off all electrical parts and remove the battery. If taken from within the frame of the folding bike, ensure the battery compartment is completely closed before proceeding.
    • If the battery is dirty, wipe it down with a damp, soft towel. Never wet out the battery completely and never immerse the battery in water or any other fluid!
    • Apply bicycle detergent to all dirty parts of the bike with the sponge and with the soft brush. Let the detergent work on the bike for about 5 Min. while brushing rims, spokes, hubs, etc.
    • Remove the dirt and the detergent from all parts of the bike with the sponge and clean water. Use only a moist (not dripping wet) sponge on the motor.
    • Wipe the whole bicycle dry with a soft towel before re-installing the battery. Make sure the battery housing and all connecting points are completely dry.
    • Lubricate the chain, if necessary, ensuring that no lubricant is left on the rims (if V-brakes are installed) or the discs (disc brakes) and, finally check and restore the tire pressures.